When fluoridation was introduced in Ireland over 5 decades ago it was hailed as an important tool to combat tooth decay in children. However since then evidence has emerged regarding the long term effects of fluoride in relation to causing cancer & genetic damage.

Our government continues to impose fluoride on the population at a cost of €4.8 million per year, why not end the fluoridation of our waters, a practice that is questionable and use the money for something more beneficial.

Fluoride easily displaces iodine in the body, a lack of which shuts down production of thyroxine and can lead to hypothyroidism causing dry and premature aged skin, a lowered body temperature and a slower metabolism. Fluoride is known to be a risk factor in the development of many serious health problems that are prevalent in Ireland today. These include cardiovascular and neurological disease, type 1 diabetes, osteoporosis, skeletal fluorosis, chronic fatigue and depression. The HSE claim that the fluoride is added to water for dental health; however we have the worst teeth in Europe despite us being the only county to be fully fluoridated.* * Source http://www.thegirlagainstfluoride.com/FAQ.html

In March 2014 Cork County Council passed a motion calling on the Government to cease the practice of fluoridation. I will work to ensure that the Kerry County Council takes similar steps to prompt the Government to take action

Previous motions I raised on Killarney Town Council on this matter

March 2000 Notice of motion-Cllr D. Grady

“That we ask the relevant authorities to remove fluoride from our drinking water as it has been proven to be a hazardous substance, and it is not used in most countries now. We are being forcibly medicated and double dosing as it is also in toothpaste”

June 2008 Notice of motion – Cllr Donal Grady

That we Killarney Town Council see an immediate update from Kerry County Council and the Department of the Environment regarding our water quality in Loughguittane, and more importantly the protection of Loughguittane Lake from animals such as cattle & sheep. Is the quality in keeping with EPA standards?. Can we also the request the relevant authorties to remove fluoride from our water.
