A NEW campaign aimed at making the roads safer for cyclists and motorists has been launched in Killarney with the distribution of vehicle stickers to create a greater awareness of the dangers involved.
Adhesive messages to be placed on the rear windows of cars, vans and trucks have been printed and are available free of charge to the public.
The message urges road users to ensure they stay alive by leaving a distance of 1.5m when vehicles are overtaking cyclists.

Picture: Eamonn Keogn
Killarney councillor Donal Grady, who is aware of the road carnage from his years in the fire service, has contributed €1,000 to the sticker printing fund from his annual councillor’s allocation.
Cllr Grady has asked Kerry County Council to take steps to ensure the main roads in Kerry are more cyclist friendly in view of the number of people who have taken to the bike.
“The introduction of the safety campaign stickers is very timely with the upcoming Ring of Kerry cycle and it is also appropriate that proper appropriate signage be erected,” he said.
Cllr Grady also complained that cycle lanes are not kept clear in the winter as they become blocked by leaves and dog droppings and he asked council officials to ensure the matter is addressed.
From Killarneytoday.com – Photo by Eamon Keogh