A Kerry County Councillor has said he is ‘completely opposed to windfarms granted planning permission near dwelling housing.
Independent Cllr Donal Grady raised the issue at this week’s meeting of Killarney Municipal District.
At the meeting Cllr Grady called on Kerry County Council to give a planning update regarding the imminent ‘Rural Settlement Policy’.
In response, the Council stated that current planning policy, in respect of rural housing, is contained in Chapter 3 of the ‘Settlement Strategy of Kerry County Council Development Plan’, adopted unanimously by its members on February 16th, 2015.

A working group has been established by the Housing Department comprising department and local government management agency land use representatives to examine – and ascertain – the implications, if any, of a recent European Court of Justice ruling on planning policy.
It was also stated the Department has advised, until the National Planning Framework and report of the working committee is complete, local authorities are to defer amending rural housing and local needs criteria, presently contained in the county development plan.
Published via Radiokerry.ie